How To Fix Knee Pain When Squatting
Knee pain when squatting is common, but it doesn’t have to be scary. In this blog, we’ll help you understand why it happens, how to reduce stress on your knees when squatting, and how to improve your squat mechanics in the long term.
How To Sleep Better
Simply put, better sleep translates to better energy, improved physical health, reduced risk of injury and disease, enhanced cognitive performance, and a better mood. This is one of the highest-leverage things you can do to improve your health, so let's dive in.
How To Relieve Rotator Cuff Pain At Night
Shoulder pain at night is a common indication that your rotator cuff is the issue. This blog will cover why this happens and what to do about it.
Nutrition For Injury Recovery
Nutrition is an often overlooked part of Physical Therapy and injury rehab. We need the right training program, but we consult with so many people who are not getting where they want to be despite a good rehab program. That’s when nutrition needs more focus.
How To Return To Deadlifting After A Back Injury
Not only are deadlifts not “bad for your back,” but they can be the exact thing you need to recover from a back injury, get back to training and feel more confident in everyday life. We’ll teach you how to get back to lifting safely.
Is Your Shoulder Pain From Your Rotator Cuff?
This blog will cover what the rotator cuff actually is, common signs and symptoms of rotator cuff related shoulder pain and what you can do about it.
Does Core Stability Help With Back Pain?
The research actually doesn’t support the idea that low back pain is caused by core weakness or instability. Let’s go over some of the issues with this line of thinking and talk about how we’ve had success treating patients with low back pain.
How Dry Needling Works
Dry needling is fast becoming one of the most popular physical therapy treatments for pain. Keep reading to learn how dry needling works and what the benefits of dry needling are.
Two Simple Things For Better Shoulder Health
Shoulder pain treatment isn’t one size fits all, but overhead mobility and rotator cuff training are two areas that a lot of people need to work on to improve their shoulder health.
One Simple Way To Improve Low Back Pain
There are some simple things that you can do to reduce your chances of having low back pain and improve back pain if you are currently dealing with it. Keep reading to find out one simple way to improve low back pain.
Breath Work For Health and Performance
Our goal with this article is to introduce breath work, tell you why we think it's important and give you some easy ways to start experimenting with it in your training.
How To Squat Better Right Now
A big part of squatting well is simply finding the most comfortable and natural stance for your lower body to be in. Trying to squat in a specific, arbitrary way might be uncomfortable if it doesn't match your anatomy.
Great Hip Mobility Drills To Add To Your Training
Stiff hips can be a contributor to things like hip pain, back pain, knee pain, decreased running efficiency/speed and less than optimal movement. Mobile and strong hips mean you can feel confident with all kinds of movements and skills like squatting, deadlifting, running, jumping, cutting and much more.
3 Overhead Mobility Exercises and When To Use Them
Our shoulders are amazing joints that can move through a huge amount of range of motion under normal circumstances. This blog will cover why your shoulders might be stiff and what to do about it.
How To Deadlift Without Back Pain
Deadlifts are not bad for your back, but they can be challenging. If you learn how to do them correctly and use different variations in your training, you’ll be stronger and more resilient overall.
Why No Pain, No Gain Is A No Go
Smart athletes use intelligent and nuanced training to balance challenge and recovery and make themselves better. Then when the time comes, they peak for a competition or new personal record attempt.
5 Tips For An Injury Free Return To The Gym
Getting back to the gym after time off can be challenging. We see a lot of people get frustrated because they tweak something or can’t stay consistent. Check out these tips to stay injury free when you’re getting back to training.
Comprehensive Core Training
Training your core in unique ways helps prepare you for real life. Resisting side bending and carrying heavy stuff are great things to work into your core strengthening routine.
Mobility Big 3
All mobility work can be valuable, but we have found that working on these 3 specific areas results in the most “bang for your buck.”
Core Stability for the Real World
In this post, we’ll talk about some of the other aspects of core stability. Anti-extension training sets the foundation, but we need more than that to function well. Read on to learn all about how to train your core to resist rotation.